Claber Micro-Dripper Tube In-line Drip Pipe

Claber Micro-Dripper Tube In-line Drip Pipe

Claber dripper tube is an efficient system particularly suited to watering large areas of permanent planting, especially if the water pressure or flow is poor. Quick and easy to install, it is manufactured from black UV resistant PE pipe, with a 2-litres per hour labyrinth dripper built into the pipe every 330mm. Simply lay it in a network of lines spaced 300mm apart, connect them together using our standard 13mm fittings, then peg it to the surface of the soil to hold it in place.

Micro-dripper tube (4mm) is flexible, quick to fit and perfect when snaked along window boxes or around pots and containers.


Size of Pipe/ Fitting 4mm - Micro Irrigation Pipe
Claber micro-dripper tube in-line drip pipe - 4mm - 15m roll
Product Code: CDP0415